Paintings by Ben Cowan

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Ben Cowan was born and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He received a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and an MFA from Indiana University. During his education, Cowan held a residency in Umbria, Italy, that deeply influenced his paintings. By witnessing first hand the interaction of devoted pilgrims with art historical places, objects, and paintings, and simultaneously painting landscapes in the footsteps of Corot, the landscape and character of Cowan’s surroundings has remained the energizing force in his work. The artist currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. Occupationally, Cowan has worked in the studio of Jeff Koons and presently as a Scenic Artist for motion pictures, both roles have increased Cowan’s resolve for refined painting techniques, experimentation with process, and a keen eye for illusions. In his work, Cowan draws inspiration from urban landscapes and gothic architecture, blending observed places, personal objects, and religious abstractions to create paintings that bridge reality and illusion, personifying the interpersonal and the supernatural.

Cowan’s work has been shown in solo and group shows throughout the United States including New York City’s 550 Gallery and The Painting Center. He has been featured in Manifest Gallery’s International Painting Annual, Fresh Paint Magazine, The Wall Street Journal and The Brooklyn Review. Cowan’s work is in private and public collections including The University of Scranton, Ann Arbor District Library in Michigan, and The Racquet Club of Chicago.